1. II Timothy 2:15

God wants me to work diligently, including diligently studying His word.  True – False 

To be approved of God, I must correctly divide His word.  True – False 

Explanation:  Not every command or teaching found in the Bible applies to us today.  Some things were written or spoken to people of a past time.  For example, God told Noah to build an ark but that is not commanded of people today.  God commanded the offering of animals as sacrifices in times past, but that is not commanded today.  It is important to understand that there are three periods of Bible history.  This is illustrated in ADDITIONAL HELPS at the end of this lesson under THREE PERIODS OF BIBLE HISTORY.   The chart is not inspired but is designed as a learning tool.  The first period, beginning with the creation, refers to the time before God gave a written law, but spoke His will to the patriarchs.  The second period began with the giving of the first written law when God gave the law through Moses and under which Israel lived until Christ died.  The third period (Christian) is the one in which we live and began with Christ giving the New Covenant.  Christ’s will became effective when He died on the cross.  As this circle is not complete, so this period of time is not complete. The following Scriptures will help to establish these facts.

2. John 1:17

Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.  True – False 

The law came through Moses.  True – False 

3. Exodus 34:27-28: Deuteronomy 5:1-3

God made a covenant with Israel when He gave the 10 commandments through Moses on Mt. Horeb 

(Sinai).  True – False.

Was this covenant a written law?  Yes – No

This law was given to Moses and Israel. True – False 

Was this law given to earlier people?  Yes – No

If you are not an Israelite (or Jew) was this law given to you?  Yes – No

Do these verses say that God made this covenant, including the 10 commandments, with Christians?  

Yes – No 

4. Deuteronomy 7:1-4 

Did the covenant given through Moses include nations other than Israel?  Yes – No  

The law of Moses was against other nations (called gentiles) & separated Israel from them.  True – False 

5. Genesis 26:4-5

In the period of time before the law was given through Moses (Patriarchal), did God give any laws to 

mankind?  Yes – No

NOTE:  The Law of Moses was given 430 years after the promise made to Abraham – Galatians 3:16-17.

6. Jeremiah 31:31-34

Did God promise to make a new covenant with Israel?  Yes – No 

7. Hebrews 8:6-9, 13

Did God replace the first written covenant (law of Moses) because it had faults. True – False 

Did God give a new law with better promises?  Yes – No 

The promise of a “new covenant” meant that the first was old and was to be replaced.  True – False

(Note: Did God give a faulty law?  This question will be answered in following Scriptures.) 

8. Hebrews 10:1-4; 9:12

How was the law of Moses lacking?  Could the blood of animals sacrificed under the law provide 

forgiveness of sins?  Yes – No

Animal sacrifices were only a shadow of something good to come. True – False

Under the New Covenant, we can enjoy eternal redemption because of the sacrificed blood of Jesus 

Christ.  True – False

9. Galatians 3:23-25

The law of Moses was a tutor to bring Israel to justification by faith in Jesus Christ.  True – False

But now being justified by faith in Christ, they (and we) are not under the tutor (the law).  True – False

10. Romans 3:19-20

The purpose of the law was to make man aware of his sin and to convict man of his guilt before God.  

True – False

11. Ephesians 2:11-16

Note: Under the law of Moses, Israelite males were to be circumcised but the other nations (Gentiles) did not practice circumcision and were called the “uncircumcised.”

The Gentiles (uncircumcised) were strangers (not citizens) and aliens from the old covenant made with 

Israel.  True – False  

The law was a wall of separation, dividing Israel and the Gentiles.  True – False

What does verse 15 say Christ did to the law?  __Confirmed it   __Abolished it   __renewed it.

Today, under the New Covenant, both Jew and Gentile are reconciled to God in one body through the 

cross of Jesus.  True – False

12. Colossians 2:13-14

Is this passage written to Gentiles (uncircumcised)?  Yes – No

What document (writing) was against the Gentiles and contrary to them?  Was it the law given through 

Moses?  Yes – No 

When was the law done away?   Was it when Jesus died on the cross?  Yes – No 

13. Romans 7:6-7

Is Paul writing to Israelites (those who know the law)?   (See verse 1)   Yes – No

Did Paul tell them they were delivered from the law?  Yes – No

From what law were they delivered?  Was it the law that said, “You shall not covet?”  Yes – No

“You shall not covet” was one of the 10 commandments (If in doubt, see Exodus 20:17), and part of the 

covenant from which Israel was delivered.  True – False

Though delivered from striving to be saved by the perfect keeping the letter of the law, God wants us to 

serve Him from the spirit and with all our heart.  True – False 

NOTE:  We are not under the 10 commandments as such because they were a part of the old law that was never given to Gentiles and because it was abolished when the New Testament of Jesus became effective upon His death (Hebrews 9:16-17).  However, Jesus included 9 of the 10 commandments in the New Covenant.  Today we keep these 9 because they are in the new covenant.  However, Jesus has not commanded us to keep Saturday as a day of rest.  If I covet today, I have broken a command of Jesus because it is in His covenant and it is His covenant that has authority over me. (As a Gentile, I never was under the authority of the old covenant, including the 10 commandments that were given to Israel.)

14. Matthew 5:21-22, 27-28

Jesus contrasted the commands given in the old law with His teaching in the new covenant.  True – False

In verse 21, Jesus said the old law commanded, “Thou shalt not kill.”  True – False 

In verse 22, Jesus, under His covenant said that even hate that might lead to murder was wrong. 

True – False 

In verse 27, Jesus said that the old law condemned the act of adultery as sinful.  True – False   

In verse 28, Jesus condemned, not only adultery, but the lust that leads to adultery.  True – False 

Under the law of Moses, were killing and adultery sins when the acts were committed?  Yes – No 

Under the New Covenant, are killing and adultery sins when conceived in the heart?  Yes – No  

15. John 12:48

As you live under the New Covenant, you will be judged by the words of Jesus, not the commands given through Moses.  True – False

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