Where in the Bible can you find answers to the following questions?  Would you look in the Old Testament or the New Testament?  For more information, go to THE TWO COVENANTS in ADDITIONAL HELPS.

a. Where can you find how to be saved today?  Old Testament  –  New Testament   

b. Where can you find the guide for Christ’s church?  Old Testament  –  New Testament

c. Where can you find out how to worship today?  Old Testament  –  New Testament   

d. Why can’t you go to the Old Testament to find our answers today?  Was it because the law of Moses was not given to Gentiles; it passed away and you are under the New Covenant today?  Yes – No   


16. Luke 1:28-35

Jesus was born of a virgin as a result of the activity of the Holy Spirit.  True – False

As Jesus was not fathered by a man, but conceived by the activity of the Holy Spirit, He is called the Son of God.  True- False

17. Galatians 4:4

When the time was right, God sent His Son into the world.  True- False

Jesus was born when Israel was subject to the law of Moses.  True – False

18. Colossians 1:15-16

All things, in heaven and on earth, whether visible or invisible were created by and for the Son of God.  

True – False

Was Jesus God (divine)?  Yes – No    (This question is not asking if Jesus was the Father.)

19. Hebrews 2:14-18

While on earth, Jesus was made like man but He did not actually take on flesh and blood.  True – False 

According to these verses, why did Jesus become a man? 

1). To destroy the Devil who had the power of death.   True – False 

2). That He might be a faithful high priest in service to God.  True – False 

3). That He might make atonement for our sins.  True – False  

Do you believe that Jesus was the Son of God?  Yes – No

Will believing this make a difference in how you live?  Will it lead to obeying Him and trusting Him to save you?  Yes – No